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Employee Module

Store and manage your employee data, set access control, system configuration, account setting, mail and letter template. 

Organization Chart

View the internal structure of your organization, clearly know the employees under which department and positions.

Onboarding Process

Auto generate EWS HR account for new joiner, at the same time send onboarding email with username and password.

Self Service via Mobile

Employee can self service check all the details via EWS HR mobile app such as employee personal details, public holiday, etc.

Support Multiple Country

Support your companies at difference country and multiple foreign currency rate.


1. Easy Employee Management

EWS Employee Module allows your HR to be at easy in managing employees. It provides thorough details of the employee as well as upload system to add/edit multiple new employees.

2. Simple Yet Powerful Employee OnBoarding System

Once a new employee arrives in your organization, EWS has a function to easily allow new joiner to get started with EWS system including OnBoarding email notification to activate EWS account.

3. Keep Employee Information Secured, Sync, and Handy

EWS will store employee information securely and keep it in sync with all modules in EWS. The detailed information will also be very handy whenever HR needs it.