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Payroll Module

Automated payroll process with salary details, payment, salary deduction, reporting by employee and department.

Automated Payroll Setup

EWS HR automates payroll setup for employees and transfers relevant data from leave and benefits claims. Always paid correctly and on time.

All Data in One Secure Place

All detailed payroll history, payroll info and payslip are secure stored on EWS HR’s platform. Everything can refer with a click or button.

Self Service Payslip Download

Employee can view own salary details, download own payslip and export all the salary details to excel.

Detailed Payroll Reporting

Generate reports like salary by employee, salary by department, and salary for income tax.


1. Speed Up Your Payroll Process

EWS Payroll allows you to process your payroll with high efficiency, thus speeding up payroll process multiple times than manual process.

2. Support Singapore Employee Contribution System

EWS Payroll supports contribution system in Singapore such as CPF, SDL, SINDA, CDAC, MBMF, and ECF. Employee contributions will be calculated based on the regulation applied in Singapore.

3. Accurate Salary Earning & Deduction

EWS Payroll enables to calculate earning and deduction with high accuracy.

4. Enable Employee To Self-Printing Salary Slip

EWS Payroll allows employee to print his/her own salary slip from the past months whenever necessary; hence, saving HR time from unnecessary activities. This feature is also secure as employee can see his/her own salary only.

5. Detailed & Analytical Payroll Reporting

EWS Payroll provides detailed and thorough reporting that can be exported to excel file (.xlsx) for HR and Finance to perform required checking or analysis. The reporting can even be categorized by employee or by department.